If you are uncertain about how you should execute your Chinese or Turkish rugs cleaning properly, you should enlist the help of the experts who know how to clean and treat your rug with care. Are you worried that undertaking the task of cleaning your rare and expensive rug by yourself could result in the spoilage of your floor covering? What you need to do in such cases is get in touch with expert rug cleaners such as the ones at the Sam’s Oriental Rugs store. Why is that you might be wondering? If a rare or expensive carpet requires cleaning and washing, it must be done with expertise. That is because such rugs are made with fine and minute stitchings and knots. If the task is handled by a novice, it could result in the knots or stitchings getting damaged or loosening up. That would lead to your rug falling apart and being rendered unfit for use. Hence, it is best to hire an expert for the job.
They are highly educated in the minutiae and intricacies of all sorts of floor coverings. They clean your rug in such a manner that it keeps the stitchings and knots intact. The experts also know the right way to wash and dry rare floor coverings such as Chinese or Turkish rugs. Not only will your ug come back smelling and looking clean but also be restored to a pristine condition. Now, if you don’t know who to get in touch with regarding your rug cleaning requirements, then look no further than the services that Sam’s Oriental Rugs have to offer. The staff at this store have years of experience in cleaning and restoring all sorts of carpets, rugs, and floor coverings. The store itself has been around for more than 25 years. All these years executing rug cleaning and restoration tasks have made the team at Sam’s Oriental Rugs veterans of sorts in their line of work. Suffice to say, that once you enlist their help, your rugs will be in highly capable hands.
How Traditional Rugs Cleaning Tasks Are Executed By Experts

The following are a few ways to execute Turkish and Chinese rugs cleaning tasks properly:
Steps To Carry Out Turkish Rugs Cleaning:
First, you must place your rug on a steady surface.
Next, you must Vacuum it to alleviate any abrasives, dirt, or pet hair.
Make sure to not utilize the vacuum cleaner on your rug's fringes.
Make your Vacuum face the filaments of your rug.
Then, take your carpet outside.
Now, hose down your rug with water from each side until it's completely soaking.
Use a light detergent to rinse the fragile stitchings and knots.
After that, you will need to wash both sides of the rug with your hands.
Continue performing this process until all the bubbles are removed from your rug.
Ensure that both sides of your rug are properly washed out.
Once you are done with the previous step, try to remove as much water as you physically can using a wiper.
Finally, hand your Turkish rug to dry outside. You can use a hairdryer to delicately perform this task as well.
Steps To Carry Out Chinese Rugs Cleaning:
Start the process by dusting out as much soil and dirt as you can from the heap.
Next, use your vacuum to clean the back surface of your rug.
Then you must move on to vacuum the rug’s top side. Ensure that you keep the vacuum away from the fringes.
When you move on to washing the rug, you must utilize a neutral pH balance fluid cleaner.
After that, you will need to rinse the rug delicately with a wiper. Get rid of any soil and foamy detergent.
Finally, you must hand or place the rug to dry in a breezy area.